Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Top 17 Search Innovations Outside Of Google"

On John Battelle's Search blog I came across an article about the numerous amount of search engines available. When one thinks about a search engine it is alway Google or Yahoo that pops into your head, but there are over 100 search engines available online to surf the web. The top 17 are listed, but the article states that these search engines will become "disruptive in the future." Could this be because it is distracking traffic from more major search engines? Maayyyybe. Check it out!!


Ryan Dzielak said...

I understand that there are many other search engines out there but as you stated in your blog when people think about looking for something Google and Yahoo are what they think of. Google and Yahoo have such a stranglehold on the market of search engines. They do such a good job with finding relevant and important information that I dont think people will change to another one. There are many search engines up and coming but none that will effect Google and Yahoo because they are already the best out there.

lkarig loves stiuqxela said...

hey lauren,
interesting. i never really thought about the other possibilities out there. we all get so caught up in the standards. and since our standards,Google and Yahoo, provide for us so well i guess it isn't crazy to think that we wouldn't look otherwise. we don't have to.