Sunday, May 20, 2007

Blog Summary

Well as the semester is coming to a close, hopefully the activity on this blog will not. I vaguely knew what a blog was when I first registered for the Information Technology in Marketing class and even though my knowledge is not that of an expert I have learned alot.

I feel that being up to date on the newest and fastest growing form of word of mouth is incremental to one's education.

Overall the blog project for the semester went well. I was a little slow at first because of the lack of understanding of what if really was about and how to execute the project successfully. After I seemed to get the swing of things I attempted, to the best of my ability, to explore the wonderful world of blogging.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wiki Summary

The four articles that I chose to edit for this semester, I found were fairly successful edits. No other Wikipedia users decided that my content needed to be changed. With that being said, I feel that my wiki part of the project was successful by my acceptance into the wiki community. The articles that I edited were Delta Gamma, Weight Watchers, High Heeled Shoes, and Labrador Retrievers!!! Check them out!

Wiki Edit

The crossbreed of Labs and Poodles, called Laberdoodle, are many times populat because they don't shed as much as a pure bred Lab.

Wiki Edit

I added content in the intro article of High Heels about the illusion that they give to your legs!!!

Wiki Edit

When speaking about the online program that Weight Watchers has I added in a fact that I have in a pamphlet, but was not in the Wikipedia article. You loose three times more weight if you go to meetings.

Wiki Edit

Delta Gamma's philanthropy is Service for Sight, in which we help people who are visually impaired. It is considered politically incorrect to say "blind people" so I adjusted this language in the wikipedia article.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wiki Edit

Labradoe Retrievers are very good with children, so I let everyone know in the wiki article!!!

Wiki Edit

High heeled shoes are a big part of pop culture. So i added a little something something to the wikipedia article.

Wiki Edit

In the Weight Watchers article I added content about the Flex Progam.

Wiki Edit

In the trivia section of the Delta Gamma article I added a link to the website where you can buy merchadise. DG

Monday, May 14, 2007

Wiki Edit

Today I edited an article on Labrador Retrievers. I added content about hip dysplasia and obesity in Labs.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wiki Edit

I have made an edie about the safety concerns of high heeled shoes on Wikipedia. This doesn't mean I don't wear them myself, but they will do a number on your feet!

High Heels

"Top 17 Search Innovations Outside Of Google"

On John Battelle's Search blog I came across an article about the numerous amount of search engines available. When one thinks about a search engine it is alway Google or Yahoo that pops into your head, but there are over 100 search engines available online to surf the web. The top 17 are listed, but the article states that these search engines will become "disruptive in the future." Could this be because it is distracking traffic from more major search engines? Maayyyybe. Check it out!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"Resist the Clipboard" - Modern Marketing Blog

An article on the Modern Marketing blog caught my interest this morning becuase it talked about the "bad guys" of blogging. It also mentioned blogging etiquette and the code of conduct. There are definately extremes when it comes to those who wondering into the blogging world, which could man times lead to "abnormal" bloging behavior, or the urge to Resist the Clipboard